NegaWatt Consulting



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At NegaWatt, we know emerging technology and innovation.

Make us your trusted third-party source for emerging technology evaluations, from end-to-end, or as part of a larger team. Or, let us help transform your innovative idea for a technology into a reality. From developing strategies, in-field testing, to commercialization planning, we can support you every step of the way.

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We have conducted countless evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) projects for utility and statewide research programs. We can provide high-level assessments for projects with small budgets, as well as scientifically rigorous research that goes all the way, and anything in-between. Our methods comply with industry standard protocols and statewide guidelines.



Let NegaWatt provide advice on your next Research, Development & Demonstration project. We can assist beginning with the early stages of defining your goals, to in-field testing, analyzing results and presenting them. We know the ins-and-outs. We were awarded RD&D funding by the California Energy Commission (CEC) in 2013 and 2015, and have standing CEC project subcontracts.

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Market Research

Our staff is versed in market research, using data from primary and secondary sources. Many of our Emerging Technology projects include market considerations. We extrapolate statewide savings potential from a local test, identify barriers to adoption, and research available incentives as well as applicable codes and standards. Data gathering is done in the field, at the desk, and by phone.



Let NegaWatt provide advice on your next innovation. We like to help smart, passionate and creative people to get their visions off the ground. We know what helps a new technology succeed and what makes it fall short. When it comes to obtaining grant funds for your project, our team can offer additional assistance in order to help your idea become reality.

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You’ve created a working prototype that promises energy savings. Now let us help you identify markets, incentives, customers, partners, and support programs. Our experienced staff will help you develop and implement an effective commercialization strategy. We peer review business plans, identify barriers, and provide thoughtful solutions for how to overcome obstacles.
