NegaWatt has a passion for all things energy.
Let us support your building-related technical projects and your statewide or local energy programs with our expertise. We can assist with engineering support, Codes and Standards (Titles 20 and 24), energy modeling, and then some. We can take your projects from end to end, or contribute as part of a larger team. Our capabilities include on-site activities such as energy audits, in-field measurements, building commissioning, and outreach & events.
Engineering Support
One of our specialties is assisting utility customer programs with engineering analysis. We are happy to provide deemed measure support, savings opportunity assessments, project development, QA, and related activities as needed. Our team includes a registered Mechanical Engineer (PE) so you can be assured of the highest quality deliverables at all times.

Codes and Standards
NegaWatt is part of the California Investor Owned Utilities (CA IOUs) consultant team, reporting back to the CEC. On their behalf, we contribute to Codes And Standard Enhancement (CASE) reports, develop comments for rulemaking dockets, assist with Reach Codes and cost effectiveness calculations, and contribute to outreach and events.
Energy Modeling
We are versed in all common building energy modeling software packages. Our Mechanical Engineer (PE) on staff will help develop custom equations when the software falls short. With our expertise, we can help you right-size building systems, predict operating cost, calculate energy consumption, compare design alternatives, ensure Title 24 compliance, and then some.

Energy Audits
We conduct commercial energy audits, adhering to ASHRAE Level 1, 2 and 3 guidelines and other applicable industry standards. We have experience with numerous buildings types, from standard office and retail to hospitality, adult education, biotech, and gymnasium. Deliverables range from high level recommendations to detailed financial analysis of complex measures.
Building Commissioning
Let us ensure that your building systems are installed correctly and function as intended. We have a Certified Building Commissioning Professional on staff, who is also a Mechanical Engineer (PE). Our experience includes large and complex buildings including medical and laboratories. We qualify as Commissioning Agent for Enhanced Commissioning on LEED projects.

Outreach & Events
Many of our clients need to disseminate technical information developed by us and others. Our expertise uniquely positions us to create audience-specific materials, including power points, technical briefs, white papers, and web pages. We will also gladly assist with targeted surveys, the coordination of your workshops, and represent you at events and conferences.