About the Coronavirus crisis
An unprecedented, global crisis that affects us all
First and foremost, my and my staff’s thoughts, prayers and best wishes go out to those of you and to your families & friends who are directly affected by COVID-19.
As importantly, I would like to express my personal gratitude to those of you in the health and public service sectors who are selflessly helping the rest of us get through these unprecedented times. Thank you!
At NegaWatt, we have thus far been affected only in a small way. We maintain regular business hours, and all staff and subcontractors are available to provide services remotely. We continue to provide the majority of our offerings, to all clients. Some limitations apply, unfortunately. For example, we have to suspend measurement and verification activities, whenever working on-site is not safe or permissible. Affected projects have been replanned, and will resume as soon as possible.
I feel strongly that we are well positioned to get us and our clients through this all unscathed. That said, the reality is that some of our clients are affected by this crisis. In turn, a slowdown may eventually trickle through to us. With that in mind, I would like to ask for your help. If you have any pending projects or ideas that you have been meaning to call us about, why not call now? We welcome anything from a few hours to several years worth of work, and we are available immediately. And even if a project can’t be completed until this crisis is behind us, let’s still start planning. That way we can hit the ground running as soon as this is all over.
Stay healthy and safe, and may the light at the end of this tunnel be energy efficient.